Chiropractic Services

We provide treatment plans designed to fit and address your individual health needs.

  • Spinal Manipulation

    Spinal Manipulation involves moving joints in a precise manner to elicit an improvement in function. It's designed to relieve pressure on joints, reduce inflammation, and most importantly improve nerve function. Our doctor is trained in a diversified manner, utilizing many techniques/approaches to get you the best relief possible.

  • Spinal Decompression

    Spinal decompression is a non-surgical treatment intended to relieve pressure on compressed nerve roots around the spinal column and the intervertebral discs. Decompression of the spinal neural elements can be a key component in treating spinal radiculopathy, myelopathy, and intervertebral disc problems.

  • Electrotherapy

    Electrotherapy is the use of electrical energy as a natural treatment. This therapy directs small currents of electricity through a patient’s skin, and by doing so will block the electrical neural signals that tell the brain to experience pain. Electrotherapy aims to repair tissues, improve circulation, strengthen muscles, and decrease inflammation, leading to improvements in physical function.

  • Digital X-Rays

    To provide our valued patients with the best care possible, our office has a digital X-Ray unit on-site to aid the doctors in properly diagnosing. Proper diagnosis of any spinal condition leads to proper treatment recommendations and better outcomes for our patients.

  • Joint Mobilization

    Joint mobilization is very similar to spinal manipulation in its purpose to restore the normal function of a joint. Our doctor not only provides spinal manipulations but also manipulations/mobilizations to extremity joints. Common ailments treated with mobilizations include frozen shoulder, carpal/tarsal tunnel, and tennis/golfer's elbow.

  • Laser Therapy

    Laser therapy is used for pain relief, accelerated tissue regeneration, and reduction of inflammation. During this procedure, different wavelengths and outputs of low-level light are applied directly to a targeted area. Although you will feel the laser touching your skin, the procedure is painless and non-invasive. Laser therapy is most commonly used in the treatment of Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, TMJ disorders, bursitis, shoulder impingement, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, tennis/golfers elbow, disc herniation/bulge, sciatica, carpal tunnel, and strain/sprain injuries.

  • Custom Orthotics

    Many backs and lower extremity (ankle, knee, and hip) problems can be helped with proper arch support and shock absorption from the bottom of the feet. The feet are the obvious foundation for our entire body. If your condition/injury is worse while walking or standing typically a custom-made shoe insert can be of tremendous help.

  • Kinesiology Tape

    Rock Tape is the premium brand of KT tape used in our office. The key benefits of using RockTape are to decrease pain, reduce swelling and bruising, and provide functional support while allowing a full range of motion. RockTape is hypoallergenic and water-resistant. The most common uses for RockTape are muscle pain and cramping, joint pain, poor posture, and pregnancy.

  • Personal Diet/Weight Loss Plans

    Calorie or macro customized meal plans for you according to your dietary preferences and weight loss goals.

  • Animal Chiropractic

    Dr. Melissa is one of the few certified veterinary chiropractors our state has to offer. Services are offered for small and large breed animals. Spinal adjustments will align and balance the animals’ musculoskeletal system to optimize their health and performance.